Clissold Park Primary Care Network

Clissold Park Primary Care Network (PCN)


Clissold Park PCN Member Practices are:

  1. Barretts Gove Surgery
  2. Brooke Road Surgery
  3. Somerford Grove Practice
  4. Barton House Group Practice


Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan.  They provide the structure and funding for services to be developed locally, in response to the needs of the patients they serve. PCNs will help to join up services at a local level, focusing on the specific needs of these local populations, with patients still accessing routine GP appointments as they do now.

35,610 people are registered at one of four GP practices in Clissold Park. Four of the GP practices within City and Hackney have joined together to form the Clissold Park Primary Care Network. They are; Barretts Gove Surgery, Barton House Group Practice, Brooke Road Surgery and Somerford Grove Practice. Clissold Park is one of City and Hackney’s most diverse Neighbourhoods with the largest populations by ethnicity being White (59%), Black (20%) and Asian (10%). 

Clissold Park has a similar overall population to the City & Hackney. By being part of the PCN we have been enabled to devise and develop services that are tailored to the needs of our patient community.  Our aim is that this will help to give you, our patients, better access to the right care and support, at the right time.                   

Our surgery teams are working closely with each other, enjoying the ability to share expertise and resources, to develop new services. Of the 35,610 people, the majority of patients are registered at Barton House and Somerford Grove GP Practices.


Our Vision “is to improve the quality of life for everyone who lives and works in the borough in alignment with the need of our patient population and by building one City & Hackney.”


Our Strategic Aim:

  • Reducing inequalities in health
  • improving the experience of those who use services
  • Developing excellent integrated and more localised services
  • Promoting independence, choice and control by service users
  • investing resources effectively


Local Needs and on Health

  • Clissold Park records higher life expectancies for the female population but lower for the male population when compared to England and C&H averages
  • Clissold Park has the highest use of interpreter services in City and Hackney
  • Clissold Park has the smallest projected population increased in City and Hackney over the next 10 years​
  • The highest rate of Peripheral arterial disease​​
  • A higher than averagerate of Coronary Heart Disease​​
  • 2 GP Practices record a higher prevalence of stroke than City and Hackney​
  • 2 GP Practices record higher rates of asthma than City and Hackney​
  • Clissold Park has the second highest rate of depression in City and Hackney​
  • High rates in mental health outcomes and rates of Severe Mental Illness (SMIs)​
  • Clissold Park has the second highest rate of dementia in City and Hackney​


Who lives in Clissold Park? 

  • 1% of residents rent their home - privately or socially.This is slightly higher than the City and Hackney average (73%)
  • There are 57 London Borough of Hackney housing estates in Clissold Park(link here and right)
  • There are 4,750 social housing dwellingswithin Clissold Park (unfortunately it is not possible to find out how many people live in these dwellings).​

For more information about Primary Care Network, click the link below: